Award-winning music minister, Pastor Alvin Alphons issues a brand new album titled “God of Signs and Wonders” as he commences his musical journey for 2023.
His third album installation comprises of twelve songs and three extra which have been carefully curated to provide the audience with an experiential moment with God.
Alvin as always being inspired by the Spirit of the Almighty God. was recently directed to sing basically on what God gives him to edify the people to the glory of God the maker of Heavens and the Earth.
The GOD OF SIGNS AND WONDERS. and to them that believe, these signs will follow them as they sing and worship Him in spirit and in Truth.
I make bold to say that these songs are not ordinary. We have received several real-life testimonies of healings, salvation, financial breakthroughs, marriages etc. through previous albums. And this album will usher in even greater testimonies according to God’s promises.
It’s an uplifting song. Psalm 100:5 – For the LORD is good; His mercy is everlasting, and His truth endures to all generations.
God’s goodness means we get things we don’t deserve. If we believe in the goodness of God we can look to the future with hope.
Pastor Alvin has tens of songs and albums such as Power and Holy Spirit released in 2017 and 2021 respectively.
The album is also available for free download and you can support by streaming on your favourite digital store. Or donations.