Suceed Ogo biography: age, albums, net worth, house

Jun 24

Akeem Hisa Dolapo, popularly known as “Succeed Ogo,” hails from Oyo state.

His educational journey began at Elinor High School in Issyin, where he successfully completed his SSCE exams.

Eager to broaden his horizons, Akeem pursued a degree in Public Administration at the Polytechnic of Saki, Oyo state, culminating in his graduation in 2022.

Shortly after, he embarked on his National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) program, completing it six months ago.

Upon completing his formal education, Akeem Hisa delved back into his passion for music, marking his reentry into the Nigerian music scene.

With a string of 10 hit songs to his credit, Succeed Ogo has solidified his presence in the industry and garnered a loyal following.

Currently, Akeem Hisa, aka Succeed Ogo, is gearing up for the release of his highly anticipated single, “Packaging.” With a unique blend of talent and dedication, he is poised to captivate audiences with his latest musical endeavor.

Stay connected with Succeed Ogo on social media for updates and exclusive content:

Twitter: @Succeedogo
TikTok: @succceed123
Instagram: @succeedogo

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