MiddleBelt Coin (MBC) is owned by MiddleBeltwallet
MiddleBeltWallet.com Security Email verification/notification, Google Authentication And your Profile.
MiddleBelt Coin (MBC) has been launched and could be gotten here
MBC On Poocoin And Pancake Swap
About MiddleBelt Coin (MBC)
Coins created 5,000MBC
2,000MBC Locked for 5years.
1500MBC Locked for 2years.
1000MBC Locked for 1year.
Only 500MBC is in circulation!!!
MiddleBeltwallet And MiddleBelt coin, all launched at the same time.
work is DONE
MiddleBelt Records has been in existence since 2020
You can make your research!!!.
The good news about MiddleBelt Wallet…
You will be able to withdraw your coins to your Bank account
You will be able to do P2P
You will be able to add any coin on it
When someone registers on MiddleBelt wallet using your code you will get ref bonus weekly!!!!!
MiddleBelt Coin (MBC)
Total Supply:
5,000 MBC
Contact Address ( CA )
BNB Smart Chain
MiddleBelt Coin
Telegram: https://t.me/middlebelt
FB: https://www.facebook.com/middlebeltrecords/
Check out Middlebeltrecords (@MiddleBeltRec) on twitter https://twitter.com/MiddleBeltRec?s=01
Instagram: @middlebeltrecord