For many weeks now, a lot of negativity has surrounded Nigeria as a country, both among its citizens and the world in its entirety. Some people have made it their life’s purpose to create disarray and wreak havoc in its politics with their words and actions. Hate speech has become the order of the day, while tribalism and religion have become tools of disunity. It is almost unbelievable the kind of comments many people have made regarding their country of birth. We have not only stained Nigeria’s garment, but we are also slowly shredding her to pieces.
Why would anyone make public comments ascertaining that they will do all they can to bring the country down? From words to action, social media has been heated up so badly that we are scared for what will become of our unborn generation already. The incitement of hate is scary. How did we get here? Even if some of our past and present leaders have failed us, we must also remember that we have also had past heroes who have made us proud.
Should we continue this way?
It is perfectly normal to be angry with the economic crunch defacing our dear country, but will tear it apart ease our pains? I understand how demoralizing and depressing things are currently, and it is normal to express our anger, but emotions must be channeled appropriately.
“Stop calling for the interim government, it is anti-democracy,” says Prophet Godwin Ikuru”. We believe in true democracy and we must fight for it as one Nigeria.
We cannot leave our dear country to rot in the rage of tribalistic and religious bigotry. We are firstly humans before we belonged to a place. We must never forget that. One Nigeria is our collective agenda, and we must not drown it. Let us stand as one, lifting Her in solidarity, for in that alone can we truly thrive and survive.
God bless Nigeria!